How Martial Arts Can Destroy or Heal Your Clients – HPP 36

Keith Kurlander, MA, LPC

Keith Kurlander, CEO of Higher Practice, explains how martial arts transformed his life and ways in which it can help certain clients attain integration. He also acknowledges why particular systems and instructors of martial arts can cause more damage than growth and what to look for when suggesting this type of intervention.

Although martial arts might seem contrary to many forms of the therapeutic process, the overall teachings within both disciplines have to do with integrating the body, mind and relationships in your life. Martial arts, like therapy, embraces teaching people the hard and soft skills to feel confident and connect with all elements that life presents to us.

Keith will shed light on the types of mental health issues that respond particularly well to martial arts, and, also the different types of systems of martial arts available. As a black belt in the To Shin Do system, which is based in the teachings of the Japanese Ninja, he shares his personal experience of how martial arts translates well beyond self-defense as a way of being integrated in the world. He explains the elemental system in this martial art, how it leads to growth and healing during each stage, and the power behind this ancient technology.

By understanding the basics elements of earth, water, wind, fire and the void, people can live more freely and feel whole. However, martial arts may not be for everybody, which it is why it’s key to only recommend it to clients with a specific purpose in mind.

Show Notes:

Factors of martial arts that could either harm or help a client [7:45]

Martial arts as a complementary intervention to therapy [15:45]

Why the integration of mind, body and spirit matter [16:30]

Ways in which the elemental system of To Shin Do translates into wellness into mastery over one’s life [17:30]

How we connect and disconnect from our environment around us based on fear and courage [19:00]

What happens when we get connected to our environment [40:30]

Keith Kurlander, MA, LPC

Keith Kurlander is the founder of Higher Practice, a company dedicated to helping therapists achieve their highest potential in private practice. He has two decades of combined experience in business administration, group facilitation, teaching at the undergraduate and graduate level, yoga instruction and as a licensed professional counselor in private practice.