William Richards, PhD

Learning About Psychedelics from One of the First Pioneers – Dr. Bill Richards – HPP 61

In our modern world, especially with the threat of COVID, there’s no question that the amount of people experiencing trauma and other related mental illnesses are exponentially rising. In treating these illnesses, prescribing specially developed medicines have been extremely helpful. However, not all have a lasting effect that we so desire in our patients.

In this challenging field, opening new ways of treatment towards achieving full healing is something that is always accommodated. With this mindset, the question is what if there was an option for a new treatment with possible lasting effect? What if there was something that we could use in treating our patients that has always been there with ample research to back up its possible use?

In today’s exciting episode, we are deeply honored to be joined by one of the first pioneers in the study and use of psychedelics. We welcome Dr. Bill Richards. Join us as together we head deep into the topic of the psychedelic experience and the advantages of employing psychedelics in treating mental disorders.

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James M. Greenblatt, MD

Nutritional Deficiencies That Can Cause Eating Disorders – Dr. James Greenblatt – HPP 60

In today’s modern culture it’s no surprise that what we consume is largely influenced by what we see around us either in the media, internet or within the workplace. There are hundreds, if not, thousands of factors that affect our mental well-being and having a deficiency in nutrition can massively impact our capacity to think and make sound decisions that can ultimately multiply other factors that help worsen a fragile mental state.

In today’s episode, we discuss the lack of a push and awareness on the importance of nutrition and why providers should look more into incorporating this idea in their day to day practice. We discuss the role that the media plays on how it influences us and our children around nutrition and eating disorders.

We are very excited to be joined today by Dr. James Greenblatt, a revolutionary mind and expert on the treatment of eating disorders. Join us as we dive deep into issues involving imbalanced nutrition and how we can apply effective strategies and solutions to help avoid or combat existing symptoms of an eating disorder that you or someone you may know is experiencing.

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Rachel Yehuda, PhD

What We Know About The Transmission of Intergenerational Trauma – Dr. Rachel Yehuda – HPP 59

For several decades, scientists and researchers have been studying the root causes of trauma and PTSD in many people in several cultures. There have been interesting breakthroughs in this frontier that have revolutionized the way providers worked around treating these illnesses but there really is still so much going on in the mind that we have little understanding of.

A few years ago, a fascinating discovery surfaced about trauma’s intergenerational capability among children of Holocaust survivors and how these people have suffered in their day to day lives. It truly is astounding that trauma can be passed down from generation to generation. But entertaining this concept has certainly brought a number of questions that need to be answered. For instance, was trauma caused by the upbringing from parents as the first generation Holocaust survivors? Are there some aspects of the biology of the cell that can change or mutate due to the effects of trauma?

In today’s episode, we are very excited to be conversing with a very respected and revolutionary researcher, Dr. Rachel Yehuda and together we will focus on answering these questions and a whole lot more. Join us as we go deep in thought and discussion about how this phenomenon is possible, how it can impact the way we live our lives and where this will lead to in the future.

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Dr. Rohini Kanniganti, MD

Grief, Loss, COVID, and lessons from the end of Life – Dr. Rohini Kanniganti – HPP 58

Death is a reality of life that we all go through. Others will say that death is tragic and horrifying to encounter while some consider it a beautiful mystery, comparable to the miracle of life. All throughout human history, death has been a topic of much sorrow, wonder and awe that it often has a very elaborate and intricate story.

The reality of death stirs up and brings about powerful emotions in all of us, particularly grief. Experiencing a loved one’s passing and coping with the loss is certainly difficult, heartbreaking and can affect our state of well-being. But what if we looked at it the other way around? What if we rethink what death means and to really understand how the concept of death can bring empowerment in our lives?

In today’s inspiring episode, we dive deep into the conversation surrounding death, grief and loss. We are deeply honoured to be joined today by one of the most respected experts in dealing with patients at the end of life phase by adopting integrative methods, Dr. Rohini Kanniganti. Join us as we learn together and understand a new way of taking a look at the reality of death and how to cope with grief and loss.

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Charles Raison, MD

Psychedelics, Spirituality, and What You Need to Know About Depression – Dr. Charles Raison – HPP 57

Depression has always been one of the leading problems that most Americans face today and has exponentially increased due to the pandemic we are facing. The impacts that this has brought to the state of mental well-being has been severely damaging.

In today’s exciting episode, we are honored and privileged to be joined by an internationally recognized and highly influential scientist and leading researcher tackling mental illness, Dr. Charles Raison. Join us as we come to understand why depression happens in the first place and begin to learn of new ways that we can deal with it or at least control it by introducing different techniques and interesting concepts that our esteemed guest raises.

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Richard Schwartz, PhD

How the Fragmented Self Becomes Whole Through IFS – Dr. Richard Schwartz – HPP 56

Inside each of us there always is a raging battle for control and security between parts of ourselves that oftentimes we simply neglect. Unbeknownst to us, the results bring significant impacts to our state of mental health. But what if we could get them to agree with one another? What if we could bring peace to the fragmented aspects of our Self?

In today’s very exciting episode, we are honored to be joined by the highly renowned founder of Internal Family Systems (IFS), Dr. Richard Schwartz and together we answer these very interesting questions and unlock the wholeness that we so need. Join us and learn how we can apply these effective principles and concepts of IFS in our everyday lives.

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Stan Tatkin, PsyD, MFT

How to Earn Secure Attachment in Relationships – Dr. Stan Tatkin – HPP 55

Wanting to build a strong and lasting relationship is never an easy undertaking, especially in today’s times. There are a multitude of factors and distractions that can easily affect the integrity of an already fragile relationship. This raises questions and concerns, and the need for us to truly understand what we must do to repair it and make it even stronger.

Throughout the years, couples are constantly facing massive challenges and hurdles to the point that they can barely keep their relationship afloat. Oftentimes, these struggles lead to deeper and darker questions about the stability of the relationship and inevitably causes the once loving union between two individuals to unravel.

In today’s exciting episode, we talk to Dr. Stan Tatkin, a renowned and highly respected couple therapist about the challenges couples face in all aspects in their relationship. Join us as we dive in head first to find out the significant factors that cause relationships to fail and discuss remedies and solutions to avoid it from happening from a scientific viewpoint – all the while discovering possibilities of revitalizing relationships.

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Dr. John Demartini

The Human Mind Explained by One of the Great Polymaths – Dr. John Demartini – HPP 54

Mental illness has plagued thousands of Americans over the years without truly addressing its root causes. In today’s very exciting episode, we are joined by a world renowned polymath, Dr. John Demartini, and together we learn, discover, understand and identify what causes this health condition and how we can avoid it.

Join us as we uncover the secrets on how we can live healthier mentally, socially and financially; and through understanding and accepting our individual values can we truly attain an optimal mental health.

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