How to Use Facebook Ads to Get New Therapy Clients – HPP 16

Mark Roberts, CEO

If you are thinking that at some point in the future you might want to start a private practice or you are currently in one and you want to get more clients, this episode is for you.

As business owners, we always want to be thinking about ways we can automate our marketing process so that you’re not spending more hours marketing than you are delivering direct services to clients.

But as a therapist it’s also essential that our marketing comes from integrity and the values that got you into the profession in the first place.

Many therapists will say I didn’t go into this profession for the money, and it may be true that money was not the highest value of why you chose this profession. Typically, that doesn’t turn out well for anyone.

However, money is essential in order to thrive in the profession and so you can feel vital when you are working with your clients. If you are in a place of scarcity in your own life, it’s difficult to help your clients out of the place of scarcity that they are often experiencing.

There are a number of avenues online to explore for paid advertising for therapists such as google adwords, directory listings, and online magazines and newspapers. Facebook Ads done correctly is one of the most powerful resources available.

Our guest, Mark Roberts, is going to cover the essentials of Facebook advertising for therapists. He will discuss how to advertise private practices with integrity, Facebook ads 101, using local campaigns designated by Facebook, the term traffic temperature and why it’s so important, and utilizing metrics in Facebook to see if your ads are working and getting you new clients.

Show Notes:

How to advertise private practices with integrity [8:15]

Facebook ads 101 for therapists [12:00]

Using local campaigns designated by Facebook [16:00]

Traffic temperature and why it’s so important [20:45]

Utilizing metrics in Facebook to see if your ads are working [36:15]

Understanding return on investment and getting new clients [41:00]

Mark Roberts, CEO

Mark Roberts is the CEO of Conscious Creatives, an ethical advertising company based in Nottingham, which is just outside of London. They focus on marketing companies and products that are having a positive influence on the world.