Why We Need Integrative Psychiatrists Everywhere – HPP 48
When looking at clients’ symptoms, integrative psychiatrists often take a distinct approach by looking at the entire body and its individual systems as a possible culprit of root causes to psychiatric symptoms. Acknowledging what is happening in the body can open numerous doors to what is going on for your client’s mental health. In this episode, Keith notes how the conventional western medical paradigm of psychiatric diagnosis falls short in certain areas and the power of having just a little knowledge of root causes in the body for mental health conditions.
Keith explains what an integrative assessment could look like and the things to look out for that are often missed. He gives examples of places clinicians could focus on; for example gut health, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and fungus or mold issues. Looking for the basic signs of issues in the body can radically improve treatment outcomes and also make your practice more lively.
Show Notes:
An integrative assessment approach [1:15]
Various roles of the clinician [3:15]
How the body breaks down when the mind breaks down [5:15]
Removing the stigma behind mental illness [6:30]
Identifying basic root causes in the body that relate to mental illness [8:00]
The role of supplements and vitamin and mineral deficiencies [18:45]